
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Capsicum Radio News-- American Man gets Naked at 15 C.

Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia

An American Man felt inspired to nude sunbath today on Bondi Beach.  Temperatures reached a record low today for this Australian Autumn and topped out at 15 C, brrrr.  However, the American Man felt compelled to lay out on the beach when everyone else was rugging up in their cardigans and Ugg boots.

Authorities tried to reach the man for questioning but were blinded by the reflection of the sun off his pale white skin. In addition, the smell of Dr. Jurd’s Jungle Juice was so strong that authorities were afraid of second hand intoxication while on the job.

A bystander did say this, “He just stopped. Took his clothes off and screamed it was the warmest beach day he has ever seen in Fall. I’m not sure what Fall is but that’s what he said.”

This is Dyson Jorgensen reporting for the Capsicum Radio News.