
Friday, May 27, 2011



Sand drizzled above from blue,
 six billion years of oxidization and aboriginal dreams. 

Reddish- brown hues altered and washed out by rain,
 spinifex grass polkadots thickening rock shells.

The hardest of grasses for the hardest of climates,
like post shaved two-day growth.

Crumbled up mountain face from boulder to dust,
Father times slow pressure cooker in Mother’s kitchen.

Grass fires initiated by indigenous and official,
blackened pocks surrounded by blood.

Salmon gum blends and bends,
clamboring roots and reaching limbs.

Riverbeds expanded by cyclone waters, washed out, grassless shores,
dirtied rocks of the lightest colored mud.

Living rocks, spinifex fed workers, and soldiers,
affections of their king and queen unspoken and heard.

Consume, regurgitate, build.
Doing their part for the castle of living rock.