
Friday, May 27, 2011

Grand Master Barista Boycotts


Canberra, NSW, Australia

Papa New Guinea born and Australian resident Jemax Kuns announced today during the morning rush that he was boycotting his Master Barista duties.  Kuns reportedly threw a nearly finished cappuccino on the ground and vowed never to make double espresso lattes’ again until he receives the recognition and compensation he deserves.

Several house liberals were present in line during the episode and vowed to speak with the Prime Minister directly about the boycott.  It was clear to all present that swift and comprehensive political action was necessary to stymie the boycott before it got too out of hand.

The Prime Minister was not available for comment but Capsicum Radio News did receive this statement just 3 minutes after the story broke from the opposing minority leader, “I fervently disagree with whatever position the Prime Minister takes on this issue, whatever it is.  She will be wrong because she is always wrong.  And I know what to do despite everyone’s understanding that I have no final decision making power.”

Burt did admit that he gave himself the title Master Barista but the late MJ also made himself the King of Pop, both men famous for their self-proclamations.

This is Dyson Jorgensen reporting with Capsicum Radio News.