
Friday, May 27, 2011

Movie Review-- Inside Job


I just watched the movie, Inside Job, regarding the financial “crisis” of 2008 while flying to Darwin.  I feel sick. I have a headache and I think if I were given the opportunity to attack several key members of the IMF, elite business professors, Federal Reserve members, Wall Street Fat Cats, and the Rating Industry members---I surely would consider it heavily before coming to my moral senses of living a life where I try not to harm people.

Doctors take a Hippocratic oath. Engineers pledge themselves to building things safely.  Do financial operators take an oath, make a pledge, or have any sort of scruples regarding the needs of the greater good versus their own multi-billion dollar fantasies? 

I’m not well read in the Bible but somewhere I remember Jesus going ape shit on a bunch of moneylenders hanging out in a Jewish temple.  I like that scene of the human Jesus. He goes into the house of the Lord, his father, and the other third of himself to do some reflection, chilling, thinking, and there are all these rubes sitting around trying to get coin from each other.  In a blind rage he starts tipping over vats of coins, cursing them out, telling them to leave, and the like.  I don’t know the facts more than any other guy I suppose but I like to think that happened.  That somewhere in his human body he got angry at something and dealt with it by making a spectacle.  I’m imagining a spectacle right now where I stand up on the plane and start running up and down the aisles screaming something about the insanity of the global economy. They’d probably think I was a terrorist or something

I can’t believe that Obama has as chief security advisors the same people that built the structure that created the problems we saw in 2008. It was only the tip of the iceberg from what I can tell.  The poor will stay poor and the rich will get richer in America and around the world.


I don’t have the same level of anger right now.  Its 5pm, I’ve had my cup of tea, I’m in a hotel room at the Paraway Motel, Katherine, NT, listening to Gurrumul on the ibuds. It’s hard to get angry when you are hearing melody of foreign voice with instrument.

I will say that I’m in a bit of a conflict about the entire image of an angry Jesus.  I really like that Jesus is always forgiving, loving, turning the other cheek, accepting Mary Magdalene, taking care of the sinners, and giving till its gone when its never gone.  I don’t like to think that a monotheistic God would intentionally punish or hurt a people. I don’t believe Jesus would for instance hurt a non-Christian believer for the sake of being non-Christian or for them trying to hurt Christians.  I guess I can make a difference between the righteous anger Jesus displayed in the temple with money lenders hanging around versus him doing something to actually hurt or punish the money lenders.

I still wish I could do something.  Gurrumul is singing in my ear that I need to live a life that is pure, fulfills my individual dreaming, feed the chickens when they are hungry, mow the lawn when it grows, hire the lifeguards when others leave, love the family around me, and be in harmony as best I can.  My brain is telling me to go study global economics, political science, a dash of foreign policy, then go down to Washington and try to kick some ass. 

Somebody was recently trying to convince me to go back to College to get a masters or doctorate.  I haven’t heard that discussion in a long time.  No, I’m still afraid of letting a teacher tell me what to think and feel.  It’s hard enough sensing everyone’s intentions and dreams around me in a single day. It’s like that character in the pictures that can read everyone else’s thoughts and goes crazy because she can’t turn it off.  Sometimes its like that in the world.